Pattern stimilarity results for each condition by group

group atlas_id roi_id roi_hemi within_item same_color between_pair within_pair
Paired Destrieux ANG bilateral 0.24 0.21 0.21 0.21
Paired Destrieux HPC bilateral 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02
Paired Destrieux IPS bilateral 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.33
Paired Destrieux OTC bilateral 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.43
Paired Destrieux SPL bilateral 0.27 0.25 0.26 0.25
Control Destrieux ANG bilateral 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12
Control Destrieux HPC bilateral 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Control Destrieux IPS bilateral 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.24
Control Destrieux OTC bilateral 0.44 0.43 0.44 0.43
Control Destrieux SPL bilateral 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.21

Pure color representation: same_color - between_pair

title: "R3 final: Parietal cortex's role in tracking adaptive memory feature"
author: "Xi Yang, Yufei Zhao"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%b-%d-%Y %H:%M')`"
    orientation: rows
    social: menu
    source_code: embed

```{r pkg, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
# to run the codes, needed to install {pacman} package in addition to {ggpubr}; the {magrittr} pkg is also needed
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, here, fs, glue, afex, emmeans, knitr, psych, flexdashboard)
# afex is used for stats modeling

```{r default,  message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
# separate in different lines to keep things clear
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi = 300)
# knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, dpi = 300)
# The revision in this line is based on suggestions from Cameron and Krista. 
afex_options(emmeans_model = "multivariate")

```{r dir-setting}
# Directories to bids form data
# through the whole scripts we are using path in case someone are going to run the codes over
# different operation system

bids_dir <- path(here())
deriv_dir <- path(bids_dir, "derivatives")
data_dir <- path(deriv_dir, "pattern_similarity")
# data_dir <- here("derivatives", "pattern_similarity")
# This last line is suggested by Cameron and Krista. We included it here to show a different way to code.

```{r sub-list}
# Subject list
subj_list <- 
  read_tsv(path(bids_dir, "participants.tsv"), col_types = "cicc") %>% 
  select(participant_id) %>% 
  separate(participant_id, c("prefix", "id"), sep = "-") %>% 

# subj_list <- read_tsv(here("derivatives",  "pattern_similarity",  "participants.tsv"), col_types = "cicc")
# This last line is suggested by Cameron, Krista and Daniel. We included it here to show a different way to code

```{r preprocess-flavor}
# fMRI data preprocessing flavor
# pattern similarity data were processed with python
preproc_id <-  "hp0p01-smooth1p7"
estimate_id <- "tmaps"
flavor_id <- ""

```{r helper-function}
# read in codes with char to avoid possible padding zeros to be droped.
# it is not an issue here, but this works for all my different projects.

# function 1
# read in pattern similarity label map (item-wise)
read_labels <-
  function(label_file) {
    read_tsv(label_file, na = "999") %>%
    mutate_if(is.double, as.integer)
# Changes made based on Cameron's suggestions

# function 2
# read in pattern similarity data map
read_simi <-
  function(simi_file, label_file) {
    # load data
    simi <- read_tsv(simi_file, col_types = "ccccdd")
    # load labels
    labels <- read_labels(label_file)
    # merge labels into data table
    left_join(simi, labels, by = c("subj_id", "pair_index"))
# Changes made based on Cameron's suggestions

```{r read-data}
# map 1
simi_list_rtv <- 
  subj_list, ~ path(
    glue("sub-", .x),

# map 2
labels_list <-
    subj_list, ~ path(
      glue("sub-", .x),
      glue("sub-", .x, "_labels_pairwise.tsv")

# map2_*
# get the combined data
simi_rtv_raw <- map2_df(simi_list_rtv, labels_list, ~ read_simi(.x, .y))

```{r reduce-unrelated-pairs}
# the raw data have full pairwise pattern similarity results
# reduce the two items that are not in the same run
simi_rtv_reduced <- simi_rtv_raw %>% 
  filter(!i1_run_type == i2_run_type,
         i1_group == i2_group) %>% 
  mutate(group = (i1_group + i2_group)/2) %>% 
# more concise style changes based on Cameron's suggestions

# atlas_id: the brain altas name
# roi_id: the region of interest
# roi_hemi: left/right/bi

```{r separate-within-item}
# get within-item data and non within-item data
simi_rtv_within <- simi_rtv_reduced %>% 
  filter(i1_item == i2_item)
simi_rtv_non_within <- simi_rtv_reduced %>% 
  filter(!i1_item == i2_item)

```{r label-same-pair}
# for non within-item data label info that can help with lablling category info
simi_rtv_non_within_pair <- simi_rtv_non_within %>% 
    pair_match = case_when(
      (i1_item < i2_item) ~ sprintf("%02d%02d", i1_item,i2_item),
      (i1_item > i2_item) ~ sprintf("%02d%02d", i2_item,i1_item)
    pair_match_obj = case_when(
      (i1_obj < i2_obj) ~ sprintf("%02d%02d", i1_obj,i2_obj),
      (i1_obj > i2_obj) ~ sprintf("%02d%02d", i2_obj,i1_obj)
  ) %>% 
  group_by(subj_id, atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi, pair_match, pair_match_obj) %>% 
  summarise(similarity = mean(similarity),
            group = mean(group)) %>% 
  separate(col = pair_match, into = c("i1_item", "i2_item"), sep = 2) %>% 
  separate(col = pair_match_obj, into = c("i1_obj", "i2_obj"), sep = 2) %>%

simi_rtv_non_within_pair <- simi_rtv_non_within_pair %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("i")), as.integer)
# changes made based on Cameron's suggestions
simi_rtv_unlabel <- rbind(simi_rtv_within, simi_rtv_non_within_pair)

```{r label-category}
# lable all categories
# we dont choose any "better" way to shorten this part
# because the category labeling is under conceptual discussion
# in my actual data set we make even more categories to examine the 
# research question closely. so this part can't be simplified

simi_rtv <-  simi_rtv_unlabel %>% 
    simi_cond = case_when(
      (i1_item == i2_item) ~ 'within_item',
      (i1_item == 1 & i2_item == 3) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 2 & i2_item == 4) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 5 & i2_item == 7) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 6 & i2_item == 8) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 9 & i2_item == 11) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 10 & i2_item == 12) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 13 & i2_item == 15) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 14 & i2_item == 16) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 17 & i2_item == 19) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 18 & i2_item == 20) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 21 & i2_item == 23) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 22 & i2_item == 24) ~ 'within_pair',
      (i1_item == 1 & i2_item == 2) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 3 & i2_item == 4) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 5 & i2_item == 6) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 7 & i2_item == 8) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 9 & i2_item == 10) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 11 & i2_item == 12) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 13 & i2_item == 14) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 15 & i2_item == 16) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 17 & i2_item == 18) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 19 & i2_item == 20) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 21 & i2_item == 22) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 23 & i2_item == 24) ~ 'same_color',
      (i1_item == 3 & i2_item == 5) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 3 & i2_item == 6) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 4 & i2_item == 5) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 4 & i2_item == 6) ~ 'between_pair', 
      (i1_item == 7 & i2_item == 9) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 7 & i2_item == 10) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 8 & i2_item == 9) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 8 & i2_item == 10) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 15 & i2_item == 17) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 15 & i2_item == 18) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 16 & i2_item == 17) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 16 & i2_item == 18) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 19 & i2_item == 21) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 19 & i2_item == 22) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 20 & i2_item == 21) ~ 'between_pair',
      (i1_item == 20 & i2_item == 22) ~ 'between_pair',
      TRUE ~ "other"

# Average similarity across different condition (within-item, within-pair, between-pair) within subject
# select regions in parietal cortex, visual cortex, and hippocampus
dat_rtv <- simi_rtv %>%
  group_by(group, subj_id, atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi, simi_cond) %>%
  summarise(similarity = mean(similarity)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(!simi_cond == 'other') %>% 
  filter(roi_id %in% c("ANG", "IPS","SPL","HPC","OTC"))
dat_rtv$group <- recode_factor(dat_rtv$group, `1` = "Paired", `2` = "Control")
dat_rtv$simi_cond <- factor(dat_rtv$simi_cond, levels = c("within_item", "same_color", "between_pair", "within_pair"))

### Pattern stimilarity results for each condition by group
# average data across subject
# select only bilateral roi
dat_rtv_all <- dat_rtv %>% 
  group_by(group, atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi, simi_cond) %>% 
  summarise(similarity = mean(similarity)) %>% 
  spread(key = "simi_cond", value = "similarity") %>% 
  filter(roi_hemi == "bilateral")

kable(dat_rtv_all, digits = 2)
# Specifying digits for readability. This change is based on Krista's suggestions. 

### Pure color representation: same_color - between_pair
# pure color: same_color - between_pair
# nest
tmp <- dat_rtv %>% 
  group_by(atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi, subj_id, group) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
    data = map(data, 
               ~ data.frame(spread(data = ., key = simi_cond, value = similarity))),
    group_contrast = map(data, 
                         ~ mutate(., a = (same_color - between_pair)) %>% # substract between_pair similarity from the same_color similarity
    group_contrast = as.numeric(group_contrast)
  ) %>% 
  select(-data) %>% 
  unnest() %>% 
  group_by(atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
    one_way = map(data, 
                  ~ aov_ez(data = ., id = "subj_id", dv = "group_contrast", within = "group")) # one-way within-subject anova

# get model based summary table for plotting
# error bar indicates within-subject errors
dat_plot <-
  tmp %>%
    model_based_summary = map(
      ~ afex_plot(.x, x = "group", error = "within", error_ci = FALSE, return = "data")
    summary_table = map(
      ~ .x[[1]])) %>% 
  unnest(summary_table) %>% 
  select(atlas_id, roi_id, roi_hemi, x, y, error, lower, upper) %>%
  rename(group = x, similarity = y)

# removed magrittr::extract2 based on Cameron's suggestions

```{r }
dat_plot %>% 
  filter(atlas_id == "Destrieux",
         roi_hemi == "bilateral") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = group, y = similarity, fill = group)) +
  facet_wrap(~ roi_id) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), width = 0.2, size = 0.7)