The pre-processed data for identifying which brain regions is sensitive to the color memory of learned objects.
A tibble with 464 rows and 4 variables with one group attribute:
Subjuct identity number
Brain sub-region that of interest for the analysis. Served as the grouping variable here.
A within-group variable for each subject. Indicating whether the color effect value is for the Paired or Control condition
A value we want to test between the two groups (Paired vs Control).
Zhao, Y., Chanales, A.J.H. & Kuhl, B.A. (2021). Adaptive memory distortions are predicted by feature representations in parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience
color_index_two_sample#> # A tibble: 464 x 4 #> subj_id roi_id group color_effect #> <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl> #> 1 01 AnG Paired -0.0155 #> 2 01 dLatIPS Paired -0.0484 #> 3 01 LO Paired -0.00366 #> 4 01 pIPS Paired -0.0398 #> 5 01 V1 Paired -0.0120 #> 6 01 vIPS Paired -0.0366 #> 7 01 vLatIPS Paired -0.0141 #> 8 01 VTC Paired -0.0131 #> 9 02 AnG Paired -0.0184 #> 10 02 dLatIPS Paired -0.0105 #> # … with 454 more rows